Windows launches SmartPhones with Windows 8 OS to clinch the market

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Microsoft Corporation debuted today the Windows phone 8, this is the latest version of the operating system used by the company in their Smartphones. This operating system offers an ultimate experience of using personal phone, connecting you with the people. In this operating system many new features are given such as rooms and Kid’s corner. The price of this phone is also low compared to other Smartphones from Samsung, Nokia and HTC. This Microsoft phone is designed with differentiated designs, features and colors. Windows will start selling their new phone from November at AT&T and Verizon in the United States. It will also be available from all the retailers around the world.

Steve+BallmerThe global market condition of windows phone is very less compared to the other Smartphone OS such as Apple and Android. But is has the potential power to grow fast. The windows phone holding of IDC is just 2% of the entire market in the third quarter of this year. After that the new Windows 8 phone hits the market along with many other phones of Samsung and Nokia.

The vice president of the mobile division of windows, Terry Myerson said that Windows phone 8 is the most personal Smartphone. This phone is available in a range of stunning features; it is colorful as well as unique.

Live tiles are the most important part of the windows phone is not available in other Smartphones. People can arrange the start screen with their favorite apps, music, videos etc. People can select color from 20 pack bright color choices within the inclusion of cobalt, lime and crimson.

Many live applications are there which will display information to the home screen such as flight timings, news headlines, weather forecast and many more. There is also a dedicated place for the display of Facebook messages and notifications in the start screen. For the latest application download any one can download applications from Windows Phone Store which has more than 120,000 applications. Hundreds of applications are been developed every day by Microsoft.

Microsoft also declared that the world famous internet radio service company Pandora is ready to make collaboration with the windows for giving the privilege of ad-free music to the windows phone.

Data Sense is also a new technology which has been featured to this new phone. With the help of this application, data usage for any application will be easily retrievable. The Skype application is also coming soon in this extraordinary phone. Anyone can make a Skype call like a regular phone call with this phone.

Sometimes privacy is needed in social networking sites. The room application will help people to make private groups where user can give photos or videos privately to the people who are included only in the room. Kids Corner is also a very safe way to share the phones with the kids. The kinds can play angry birds on the phone without texting others. Parents can hand over the phone to the kids without the worry of deleting photos, misdirecting emails etc.


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