
Promote Your Blog: The Easy Way

If you still think that promoting your blog, especially when it’s relatively new, is difficult, then you have come to the right place. Promoting a blog doesn’t have to be all that complicated, especially if you know what you are doing and you are willing to invest your time to do it. Even better, you don’t even have to spend a lot of money to have a successful blog with thousands of traffic. This article will show you how you can promote your blog the easy way.

Great Content = Self-Promotion

Sometimes, you don’t even have to do anything to promote your blog. Start by writing good, compelling content that your viewers will certainly enjoy. Add keywords and catchy titles to the articles and search engines will pick them up almost immediately. You will start seeing visitors coming from search results in as quickly as a couple of weeks.

Another point of focusing your energy on creating high quality content is sharing. Users are more likely to share your articles when they find them interesting – and easily shareable. As links to your articles appear on their social media pages and other websites, you will also be seeing an increase in visitors almost immediately.

Don’t forget to occasionally write articles that are trendy and engaging. The reason why websites such as Buzzfeed are so popular is because they stay in tune with the latest trends. You can use keyword research tools to find out more about what users are looking for before writing an article that will keep them engaged and happy.

Social Media and Social Bookmarking

Social networks are great for promoting blogs, especially when the blog is relatively new. You can interact with other users directly on social media too. Instead of devising a complicated social media campaign, the best course of action is to stay simple. Simply ask influencers in your industry to help promote your article or blog and you will get a lot of positive responses in return.

There is an art to asking help on social media. You want to be polite and as positive as you can be in order to get a positive response. Avoid shoving a lot of URLs just to get promoted; people will quickly notice you are spamming and may even block you altogether.

A good trick is to make the post interesting. On Twitter, for example, you can add a compelling image as native Twitter image instead of relying on Twitter Cards. I know that’s not how you’re supposed to share URLs on Twitter, but there is a reason to this approach too. You can tag people when you post native images on Twitter. Tag your friends, influencers or other people you know on social media and you may get a couple of Retweets in return.

Social bookmarking, on the other hand, is something you can do yourself. Stumble Upon and Digg as well as online communities such as Reddit  are great for promoting blogs, especially when you have articles that other users are searching for. As always, avoid spamming at all cost; the last thing you want is to be penalized for spamming these communities and social bookmarking sites.

Share Other People’s Posts

In order to get promoted, you need to promote others too. A lot of SEO experts will tell you to build relationships, engage in guest posting opportunities and go around the web commenting on other people’s articles. These strategies are great for long-term results, but they may not work as effectively when your blog is relatively new.

A better approach is to actually promote others first. Take your strongest media or platform and promote others’ articles there. If you already have a huge following on Twitter, for instance, you can talk about other sites in the industry that are not your direct competitors. Don’t just share a single URL too. Talk about the content of the article and add value to the discussion.

Your followers or viewers will get used to you promoting an article you find interesting. The site owner of said article may even promote your site in return, or offer you a chance to write a guest post without you even asking. On the other hand, users and viewers are used to you talking about different subjects in the industry, which makes promoting your own site much easier to do.

Stick with It!

One last tip I will give you in this article, and perhaps the most important of them all, is to have a schedule. Yes, give your viewers something to expect. For example, you can post an article every two days; users will naturally expect a new article every other day, prepared to share the new post too.

Having a schedule and sticking with it will make attracting new audience much easier to do. Give your visitors something to expect and they will keep coming back for more.